Sunday 12 January 2014

Compiling vim from source - fails to configure with libncurses6

Compiling vim from source - fails to configure with libncurses6

1.compilation - Compiling vim from source - failes to configure ...

Description:Compiling vim from source ... Since on OpenSuse libncurses6
provides that, ... configure: error: FAILED I am not sure what to do.

2.osx - Vim failing to compile with python on OS X - Stack Overflow

Description:I've been trying to compile vim 7.3 with python 2.7 support on
mac OS X 10.6. Vim itself compiles fine, but the embedded python not so
much. The steps I've taken: hg ...

3.Compiling Vim on Win32 HOWTO - Vimdoc : the online source for ...

Description:This HOWTO is an attempt to provide information on compiling
Vim on Win32 systems. It will walk you through the steps of acquiring the
source, getting ...

4.Answers: ubuntu - How to compile a gvim from source using the ...

Description:Share Best Answers for you. ubuntu - How to compile a gvim
from source using the latest version? Answers.

5.Answers: linux - Error compiling and installing mcrypt from source

Description:Share Best Answers for you. linux - Error compiling and
installing mcrypt from source Answers.

6.Building - macvim - How to build MacVim - Vim for the Mac ...

Description:04-10-2010 · The MacVim source code is now hosted at GitHub.
... -Problems-compiling-vim-with---enable-gui-on-Debian-4.0-td16786854 ...
But configure fails again with .

7.Compiling Vim again – Cygwin | Nifty Tidbits

Description:02-04-2012 · Compiling Vim again – Cygwin. ... Download vim
source tarball, untar it and go into the vim73/src folder. Configure

8.Vim documentation: usr_90

Description:If everything else fails, you could ask in the vim ... you
could try compiling Vim yourself. Get the source archive from the ...
./configure --with-vim-name=vim6 ...

9.Answers: 13.04 - While compiling TrueCrypt, I get "undefined ...

Description:I'm trying to compile TrueCrypt 7.1a from source on Ubuntu
13.04. However make fails ... Compiling vim from source : ... dep vim In
the vim directory : ./configure ...

10.10.04 - Compiling vim from source undefined ...

Description:Compiling vim from source : ... vim-gtk vim-gui-common sudo
apt-get build-dep vim In the vim directory : ./configure
--enable-pythoninterp ... failed, undefined ...

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