Friday 10 January 2014

Return variable type depending on sizeof... parameter pack

Return variable type depending on sizeof... parameter pack

1.The sizeof operator

Description:The sizeof operator yields the size in bytes of the operand,
which can be an expression or the parenthesized name of a type.

2.Parameter pack -

Description:A template parameter pack is a template parameter that accepts
zero or more template arguments (non-types, types, or templates). A
function parameter pack is a ...

3.Parameter (computer programming) - Wikipedia, the free ...

Description:In computer programming, a parameter is a special kind of
variable, used in a subroutine to refer to one of the pieces of data
provided as input to the subroutine.

4.sizeof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Description:In the programming languages C and C++, the unary operator
sizeof is used to calculate the size of any datatype, measured in the
number of bytes required to represent ...

5.Configuring Parameters and Parameter Data Types

Description:Command objects use parameters to pass values to SQL
statements or stored procedures, providing type checking and validation.
Unlike command text, parameter input is ...

6.Execute SQL Task Editor (Parameter Mapping Page)

Description:Related Topics: DataAdapter Parameters · Commands and
Parameters · Data Type Ma…


Description:Use the Parameter Mapping page of the Execute SQL Task Editor
dialog box to map variables to parameters in the SQL statement.

8.15.17. ctypes — A foreign function library for Python ...

Description:The CREATE VARIABLE statement defines a session global variable.

9.Google C++ Style Guide

Description:If you don't want to store the instance's data in the
_as_parameter_ instance variable, ... the return type, ... than the native
size of the objects type, as ...


Description:... widening a parameter type, ... when you take the size of a
particular variable. ... If you cannot fit the return type and the
function name on a single ...

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